Change Your Story, Change Your Life

219: Sweet Spot



SWEET SPOT A sweet spot in golf is the perfect place to hit the ball. You know you’ve hit the sweet spot when you hear that addictive “crack” sound the driver makes as it connects and sends the ball on a victorious flight toward the green. That kind of golf shot is addictive because you, your club, and your ball become one, and you feel the thrill of excellence in your body. Today’s podcast guest is a golf pro, Cindy Miller. She understands how golf is a perfect metaphor for life. She not only teaches golf; she also teaches people how to master their inner game, become more confident, and step into their leadership. You don’t have to play golf or even like it to enjoy today’s show. You will be entertained, challenged, and inspired by Cindy’s story. It will make you want to reach for your personal best in life and business. Here are a few of the valuable things you’ll learn from Cindy Miller: How the only thing between you and success is the voice in your