Change Your Story, Change Your Life

226: Professional Victims



ARE THERE PROFESSIONAL VICTIMS? I wish I could answer no, but I can't. Unfortunately, the truth is that there are many professional victims, and their club is growing exponentially in today's world. This episode explores the victim mindset that I have labelled Rearden Syndrome. The name refers to a principal character, Hank Rearden, in Ayn Rand's 1957 novel, Atlas Shrugged. The book quickly became an entrepreneur's manifesto, and it still is today. Our podcast guest is Randy Gage, a mega-successful entrepreneur, multi-millionaire, international award winning speaker, and prosperity trainer and coach to people around the world who are committed to their personal and financial growth. Atlas Shrugged has been and still is a powerful inspirational book for Randy. Here are a few of the life changing insights you'll find in my conversation with Randy Gage: The true nature of the professional victim The personal and financial habits of a victim How and why victims get addicted to blame The shocking truth that we a