
Is The World Ready For "The School For Men"?



What would happen if there was a school designed specifically to support and empower men to create a new paradigm of masculinity on the planet? What if this school taught men to become more loving, more compassionate, more self introspective as well as more focused, productive and successful? What if the curriculum challenged men to break free from societal conditioning and allowed them to learn to become more authentic and self expressive, and in doing so, help them create self confidence, deeper relationships and a deep feeling of purpose and passion? If that school actually existed it could usher in a new masculine culture that could help eradicate a large portion of the societal ills that currently plague our world. Does such a school even exist? Now it does! Introducing The School For Men The School For Men is the brainchild of Mike Hrostoski and it is an innovative new approach to empowering men to embrace new and better ways of being a man. Join Coach Michael Taylor as he interviews Mike Hro