
Welcome To The Mens Group Movie



For the past 20 -30 years men have been waking up to new ways of being and relating as men. This awakening has been called the mens movement and it is creating a new paradigm of masculinity in which men are learning that the old ways of being men no longer serve us and the mens movement is ushering in new ways that allow men to be open, vulnerable, sensitive and nurturing without the fear of losing our masculinity. One of the ways this movement has been gaining momentum is through mens groups. Mens groups are designed to provide men with a supportive and safe environment in which they can speak openly and honestly about the challenges men face today in our ever-changing world. Within a mens group, men are challenged to look deep within their hearts and minds to uncover their fears and express their feelings in a safe and supportive environment without the fear of judgment or ridicule. Recently, Joseph Culp and Scott Ben-Yashar released an entertaining and provocative look inside of a mens group through th