This Week In Costa Rica - Expats Living, Working, And Traveling In Costa Rica

Does Costa Rica Want Gringos (Expats) in the Country?



This Week in Costa Rica will feature each week a news portion in which Dan and Rico (qCostaRica) will talk about the happenings in and around the land of "Pura Vida". With over 30 years of living in Costa Rica between the two it give a unique insight into life in CR. Rico from QCostaRica and Dan start by talking about the weather in Costa Rica and then address various topics in Costa Rica including: 1.  Air Canada Flights to Costa Rica 2. Waking Up With a Toucan in Her Bed in Costa Rica 3. Costa Rica's Play in the Copa America 4. Wasting Water in Costa Rica 5. Recope & It's Employee Benefits in the Price of Gasoline 6. Costa Rica's Proposed Global Income Tax Then Dan and Rico talk about the fact that it is getting more and more difficult to gain residency and live in Costa Rica.  Yes there are rules in every country but Costa Rica is making it more unattractive to come live within its borders. Cost of living, difficulty to gain residency and the house of cards that Costa Rica is built upon. What is the f