The Trader's Plan Podcast

Stanley Teitelbaum - Expert Trading Systems Interview



Stanley Teitelbaum, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and financial therapist who consults with clients about self-defeating approaches in stock market investing, and collaborates with wealth managers, financial advisors and their clients to help then optimize financial outcomes.  He suggests that you can build a personal investment portfolio that outperforms your brokerage accounts IF you overcome your self-defeating investment patterns and follow basic principles based on an awareness and better understanding of common emotional factors that create pitfalls and contribute to wealth destroying roadblocks.  Dr. Teitelbaum draws on over three decades of his own experience with both brokerage accounts and personal investing in sharing his ideas. Dr. Teitelbaum can be reached at:   Steven has established as a distinctively unique ETF & Growth stock newsletter that focuses on trends in the market indices. Being a former Financial Advisor at a large broker dealer (and wa