

Welcome to MS Challenge Talk, a weekly audio recording that introduces you to the people and stories behind MS Challenge Walk. This week, host Ken Gagne speaks with Johanna Hising DiFabio. After being diagnosed with MS, Johanna fought back by signing up for Boston Walk MS. Having walked those three miles, she and her team decided to "kick it up a notch" and tackle MS Challenge Walk. With the minimum fundraising going from $25 to $1,500, Johanna learned to be persistent with her efforts, sharing her personal story and asking for support not just once but many times. Resources that Johanna recommends include the IcyHot Naturals rub, as well as the Boundless Fundraising application for Facebook. To install, go to your Participant Center and click the "Fundraise with Facebook" button. And while you're on Facebook, please help answer this first-year walker's questions about proper training and gear!