Carla's Cooking

Fix the Root Cause, Don't Just Treat the Symptoms!



Dr. Vikki Petersen, a Chiropractor and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, co-founder and co-director of the renowned HealthNOW Medical Center in Sunnyvale, California and acclaimed author of "The Gluten Effect" celebrated by leading experts as an epic leap forward in gluten sensitivity diagnosis and treatment. Recently featured in an exclusive interview on CNN Headline News, Dr Vikki is also endorsed by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness & The Gluten Intolerance Group of North America for her contributions to gluten awareness in our country. The HealthNOW Medical Center addresses complex health problems by identifying the root cause of a patient's health condition. Dr. Vikki Petersen will be sharing her research findings and treatment solutions for gluten sensitivity as well as optimum wellness. Dr. Petersen holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Doctorate in Chiropractic. In practice for over 20 years, she remains on the forefront of advances in gluten sensitivity identification and treatment and