Wellness By Design Radio

Paul Chek’s Approach to Self Realization and Life Fulfillment



Forget trying to hit the bull’s eye, why not paint a circle around the arrow instead?  Sounds much more effective to me. In my opinion, Paul Chek's metaphor for the name of his book,"Paint a Circle Around the Arrow of Life and Hit the Bullseye Every time."points towards understanding who we are and creating life on our terms, also known as Self Realization. In my experience, this journey can be challenging but the more I dive into who I really am, the greater health, wellbeing and FUN I have!Come join Paul Chek, Holistic Health Practitioner, Educator and Founder of the CHEK Institute, offers his take on creating a fulfilled and powerful life by: Understanding his beliefs about God and why it's important for optimal living. According to Paul, he's not some cantankerous old man in the sky, ready to label us sinners!Using our relationships to help us understand who we are and how to make optimal life affirming choices. Avoiding life-destructive cultural programming that take us away from our sense of self and ou