Wellness By Design Radio

Expressing Our Sexual and Sensual Energies



What a great response to my last episode Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the 21st Century!!   Interested in dig a little deeper? Perhaps we can start by asking the question:What does sexual and sensual energy mean to you and how do you use yours?Could it be that many of us use these energies for Connection to our partner and ourselves or if we look below the surface find ourselves expressing sex for other means? Perhaps to control our partners? Or maybe we have sex not because we want to but because we feel we have to in order to maintain our partnership? Hmmmm makes me wonder.    Perhaps for you too? If your interested, come join me Wednesday May 7th at 3pm when I have the opportunity to interview Holistic Coach and Leader of Journey’s of Wisdom, John Mc Mullin about this very deep and rich subject.For those of you that don’t know, Journey’s of Wisdom is an organization interested in promoting self-growth and empowerment through workshops, one on one coaching and other audio materials. I’m also excited to annou