Ford On Food

Episode 46: Life Is Sweet



Sugar could be described as a pure carbohydrate, used all around the world to sweeten food. Most people are unaware of how many varieties of sugar are available.Conventional sugar is mainly obtained from the juice of sugar cane, but can also be made from the sucrose of the sugar beet.There are alternative sweeteners such as bee’s honey, date sugar, palm sugar and maple sugar (obtained from maple tree sap). And of course, there are countless sugar substitutes, from the highly artificial ‘Saccharine’ to the natural ‘Stevia’, which also comes from a plant.There are a few different types of the cane variety of sugar which can be attributed to the level of refinement. One of the least refined is raw sugar, which has been coloured with molasses.The most common and all-purpose sugar is bleached white granulated sugar, but it can’t be used in some baking.Therefore, it is refined further into the smaller caster sugar crystals. Further grinding of white sugar produces a powder called icing sugar. Icing sugar is used in