Tenacious Woman Radio

Changing the Rules of the Game



"I can't change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my direction." - Jimmy Dean  Becoming a game-changer is not so much about breaking rules, but more importantly it is about giving people reasons to follow your direction.  Host Jewel Daniels shares specific steps that re-position you to gain respect in the marketplace, attract quality clients and team members as well as ways to increase cash flow. The program airs every  Tuesday at 5:30 PM with conversations and resources for the persistent woman working to demonstrate excellence in business while achieving wholeness in her personal life. The Tenacious Woman Radio Show features industry experts who provide resources, business solutions & stories of personal victory on issues that impact women globally. From sports to entertainment; marketing & media to sales and medicine, we give voice to subjects that propel women to think deeply, act boldly and to express their tenacious spirit. The show is the sister to a line of br