God Discussion

Do Deists Pray?



As freethinkers, Deists have different opinions about what God is -- and they also have unique perspectives on prayer.Regardless of whether God listens to prayers, the act of praying might serve as a way focus thoughts or to cultivate a sense of gratitude.  Prayer might be a way to deal with primal fears, such as the fear of death or injury.  Perhaps it’s a form of meditation, or perhaps it’s a silent call to a spiritual force.The World Union of Deists’ Deputy Director, Jayson X, admits, “Occasionally, I will ask God for something.  When I ask God for something, I don’t expect a miracle. I just hope for one. Maybe God intervenes in the natural working of the universe, or maybe God doesn’t. If God does, God probably does so in a covert way so that, even if God does a miracle, it is debatable whether it was an extreme coincidence or not.”Feel free to call in with your questions or comments.The God Gave Us Reason, Not Religion podcast is a service of The World Union of Deists, a global network and educational ou