Jody England

I'm Coming Undone



True Compassion requires very little fanfare.She isn’t as sexy as a pronouncement or as catalyzing as a battle cry.In fact, compassion isn’t really about action at all.She is the still, small voice in the Darkness that says, “Come Closer, Let’s See.”The one that invites the leper to sit alongside, includes the outcast, protects the one about to be stoned.Reminding us that throwing a stone at our neighbor doesn’t make any sense at all... since we would only be throwing it at our Selves.It is time for us to Come Undone.Inside the Promise and Courage of Compassion.I don’t know if it will be enough.I worry that our ears have been tuned to ignore that which doesn’t outrage us.I wonder if inclusive words are as compelling as divisive ones.My inner warrior is pacing and restless.She wants a cause to fight for (or against.)I’ve invited her to come closer too.To join us in the Holy Fires of En-Light-Enment.Where our Undefended Heart is our only protection from being scorched by the heat of public scrutiny and ridicule