Cloudy With A Chance Of Fiber

Episode 33: Sweaters are the New Socks



Download Episode 33Yes, we're planning to dive back into sweater knitting because again, it is Fall!On/Off the Needles: Ananke (Ravelry link) BYOB Toe up Socks for Every Body Pembroke Vest Morningside Neckwarmwer Light as a Feather Smoke Ring (Ravelry link) Gail aka nightsong Sierra Lace Cardigan Sublime Extra Fine Luxurious Merino Riveting (Kollage yarn) Midnight Little Red/Sweater Design: Cria Chickadee Lauriel (all ravelry links) Festival Season: Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival Google + Database: Google + Group on Ravelry Music Featured: Carmen Miranda - "Tico Tico" Zero Suspiro - "Conversatione" Xavier Cugat - "Papa Loves Mambo"