Reflect Radio ~ Empowering You

ANDI FEINBERG's "Energetic Advantage" - Divine Align!



"The times they are a-changin' "...and it isn't always easy to stay in balance and aligned...I mean to your Core Essence - that internal piece of you that IS at Peace....  So if you've found it a bit challenging to keep your Balance in the past few weeks, the way many of my clients and friends have been challenged, myself included - Join me for DIVINE "ALIGN"......Divine Empowerment for THIS TIME We ARE IN!                    Available in This Show: "Spiritual Triage" with Andi's Exclusive Energy Clearing/Healing for Callers & ListenersSome great "Tips" and "Energetic Tools" that remind us to 'Get Back on Track" and HOW!  Conversation with YOU -- How is Your Experience? What are Your Thoughts?  Please Share, Share, Share!We ARE All in this Together!Andi (Subject: Radio)480-442-6349