Empowering Ourselves Together Radio Show (click Black Dot With Chain ) Or Go Here Http://discoveringthebeautifulyou.org/

What's science got to do with it? Simple ways knowing Relationship facts



 Show host Keilayn Greenwood talks with author and Relationship Coach Dr. Duana Welch  who says " Science:  We expect it to form the basis of our healthcare, and increasingly we realize the value of science in setting public policy for everything from when the school day begins to whether we should use certain pesticides .  But how many of us are willing to take mere opinion when it comes to our love lives? "  Until recently, if you're dating, opinion was almost all there was; despite 60+ years of science, few non-scientists knew factual answers that could help with their romantic lives.  Now, there's no longer any reason to rely on opinion alone.  This interview is about simple ways science can help you have more success in the one thing that has the most impact on your happiness every day: finding and keeping a right-for-you intimate partner.To learn more or contact----->http://www.lovesciencemedia.com/