Shadowhunters' Stelecast

The Magnusficent Alec



We may have been off for a couple weeks, but now we're back and ready to chat! Over the past couple weeks, there have been "Best of 2013" lists, some new COHF snippets, a new Bane Chronicles installment, and the City of Bones DVD release! We will discuss all this and more on the thirtieth episode of Shadowhunter's Stelecast: The Magnusficent Alec!As always, you can follow our tweets @SteleCast along with joining the chat with the hashtag #ShadowhuntersSC during the show. In this episode:We will begin with a couple announcements from the fandom, including some "Best of 2013" lists, for which TMI and/or TID made the list!We will quickly talk about the DVD, though most of that discussion will be next week.We will discuss two new snippets from City of Heavenly Fire! (There will be Clockwork Princess spoilers)We will discuss the newest installment of The Bane Chronicles: What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (And Who You're Not Officially Dating Anyway)If there's time, we will spend some time with topics