Hiv Radio Minute

HIV Legal Cases Popping Up, Confusion.



HIV Criminalization Cases All Over The Country Are Again Heating Up The Debate Hello I’m Josh Robbins and this is the HIV Radio Minute. The question of how much legal responsibility should someone living with HIV have during consensual sex, regardless of if they disclosed to that sexual partner continues t bring cases that are both terrible to hear and disgusting to see how the justice system plays out regardless of where you stand on the issues. In Texas, a homeless man living with HIV is serving a 35 year sentence for spitting at a Police Office; A unrelated case in New York from the states highest court — NY State Appeals Court, ruled an HIV-positive man would face a misdemeanor charge as opposed to the felony the jury called for; in San Diego, a well-publicized trial started and by all accounts is guilty by way of the media already but he entered a non-guilty plead, in South Carolina, recently an openly positive HIV activist saw charges brought against him for non-disclosure. And that case is pretty biz