Kung Fu Action Theatre

KFATales 05- Gen San-Mi Yorimasa The Knight



This month on KFATales, we're taking a trip back to Old Japan, but leaving the Intrepid Jiro and brave Masato for a time to look instead at one of the legendary Samurai from Japanese history- Gen San-Mi Yorimasa. This story is from the collection Warriors of Old Japan and Other Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki, which was published in the early 20th century. KFAT did a reading of the stories of this book in 2009, and this was one of my personal favorites. This particular story is read by Richard Bartok III, who many of you may know as Brad Ryans in the KFAT series D-Ranger, and who is also the writer/creator of the webcomic Clockwork Gods. Ms. Ozaki's bio can be found on the KFAT website, and I highly recommend listening to it. The Inuyama Rebellion will return next episode! Rob