Kingdom's Keys Ministries

The head covering, humility and obedience



Hi Saints,We are both blessed and excited to welcome Pastor Charles Costello tomorrow evening to teach on the head covering and how through humility and obedience we are strong in the Lord. We will also address the topic of women pastors from a Biblical perspective. It doesn’t matter how anyone else views this subject except for the Lord, so bring your questions and let’s see what the Bible has to say about it. Service starts at 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time and will continue on for the remainder of the evening and even into the early hours of the next morning! We will be broadcasting on BlogTalkRadio as well as live streaming the teaching on Youtube. are invited to a Zoom meeting now.Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: forward to seeing you all in the Zoom Room, it is becoming quite a hangout for the Lord’s Children in getting all kinds of help, particularly for the fellowship.