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Recall Healing - Pyramid of Health - interview with Gilbert Renaud



Learn in this interview with Dr. Gilbert Renaud, the father of Recall Healing about this revolutionary new method of healing. Recall Healing®: “The Issues in Your Tissues” Behind every disease or negative behavior lurks an undiscovered emotional trauma or conflict. Recall Healing® is about discovering the specific underlying conflict that has programmed you for disease or aberrant behavior and then clearing that conflict to help facilitate healing often resulting in remarkable results in addressing these health challenges and problematic behavioral patterns. We also assist those who want to prevent illness to identify and clear potential triggers for disease before they develop. To unlock the secrets of why we become ill, Recall Healing integrates knowledge drawn from several healing sciences, the work of great healers, several medical specialties, evidence-based scientific research, and observation of biological laws. It is a grand combination of various tools and techniques employed to facilitate the dis