Dr Pieter DeWet Live

03-20-2015 Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients



Listen to today’s show where I will be interviewing Dr. Simon Yu, MD about his book titled “Accidental Cure” and his fascinating angle on a couple of major contributors to human illness neglected almost entirely by the conventional medical community. This includes parasitic infections, often neglected, poorly treated contributor to all kinds of health challenges including cancer and autoimmune diseases. He will be sharing with us about his experience in Bolivia as a US army medical team member treating Bolivian Indians from the Andes mountain area near Oruro and how it changed his medical practice after he came back to the US. He will also covering information about hidden dental problems, allergies and immunology, detox, heavy metal toxicity and chelation therapy and nutritional support, gallbladder and liver flush techniques, etc. This show is sponsored by QHI Wellness in Tyler, TX. Look us up at qhiwellness.com or call 903 939 2069.