Dr Pieter DeWet Live

From Hopelessness to Joy - A Quest for Healing - Tristan's Story



This show is about Tristan's story, born with a very tragic neurological disorder which has caused severe global developmental delay, seizure disorder, failure to thrive and because of overzealous conventional drug treatment was making things even worse for this 5 year old child. Within the first three weeks of treatment at QHI Wellness Center some remarkable improvements have happened for Tristan. This show is an interview with his parents, Lucas and Monica about Tristan's journey and also about how they have learned to cope with a profoundly handicapped child. Also fascinating is how their story is connected to the health of their son. What happened in the womb? What happened in their relationship before mother got pregnant with Tristan, then during the pregnancy and afterwards over the past few years. This show will help everyone understand even more about Recall Healing and the tremendous beneficial impact it can have on your Health. For more info on QHI Wellness, go to qhiwellness.com Other resources: M