Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Genetically Engineered Foods (GMO) and Your Health - Do You Know Your GMO?



This show is about the tremendous toll that GMO foods are taking on our health in this country, which foods are the culprits and what to do about it in order to avoid these foods. GMO foods have now been around for decades and virtually every day more and more are coming out. Our health, the health of our children, and the health of our animals are being impacted negatively and in many instances in devastating ways. We need to start asking more empowering questions, like are the chronic disease epidemics we are dealing with in part due to these types of frankenfoods and if so, what should be done about it? On top of that, in this country no one has to tell you that there are GMO foods in the food that you are consuming. In other words we are being blind sided every day. If you want to know more about this subject, get a copy of my books: Heal Thyself -Transform your Life, Transform your Health AND Bringing Sexy Back - Transform the Body you Have into the Body you Want. You can get them at qhiwellness.com or