Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Pancreatic Cancer and other pancreatic conditions: What is indigestible in your life?



The pancreas creates the most powerful digestive fluids to help in the digestion of our food. Is it possible that when we have super challenging or traumatic experiences in our life, that the pancreas is activated to help us digest and process those experiences? If you’d like to hear a discussion on pancreatic cancer, acute and chronic pancreatitis and other pancreatic diseases; and how they are linked to the role of the pancreas in helping individuals “digest” traumatic situations, join us on Friday, August 28, with Dr. De Wet, the host, and his guest and world renowned Recall Healing Practitioner, Dr. Michelle LaMasa-Schrader, who earned her PhD in Mind-Body Medicine, researching Recall Healing. The show will include various issues related to the pancreas, as well as amazing stories of people practicing the tools of Recall Healing. Resources: De Wet, P. (2010). Heal Thyself - Transform your Life, Transform your Health Renaud, G. (2013). Pyramid of Health: Recall Healing. Vancouver, CA: Gilbert Renaud