Release Notes

2019.2 - Upcoming Payments Emails, Payment Receipt Emails and Two Factor Authentication



Active memberships will now receive an email 7 days before an upcoming payment and a receipt email after a payment has been made. Upcoming emails and a double check on membership statuses are now done every morning at 8AM ET. Memberships that are found to be in an official unpaid state will be expired and an update payment method email will be sent. Two Factor Authentication is now supported on any account. This is a TOTP RFC 6238 Two Factor implementation that is commonly supported by Google Authenticator, 1Password and others. When setting up a two factor device you will be presented a QR code to scan in your app of choice and a valid generated is required to officially enable two factor on your account. After activation a series of 10 recovery codes will be presented that should be printed or saved immediately (because this will be only shown once) so you can still log into in the event your two factor device is misconfigured at some point or inaccessible.