Belief Radio

Harnessing ego



Is your ego out of control and wrecking your life, or have you learned how to use it's immense power to shape a successful and happy life?This weeks show explores what is the purpose of our ego, why some people allow themselves to become addicted to the high octane states of our ego and explains the simple techniques we can all utilise to harness the positive effects of our ego's. When you are READY to maximise success and happiness in your own life, read Rich Smith’s transformational book ‘STRIP NAKED: IN TRUTH IS FREEDOM’ and be the person you were always born to be. Take the free ‘LIFE CIRCLE CHALLENGE’ to help inspire and motivate you to even greater heights. Remember… you have one life… so LIVE IT… be the change you want to see in your world. For further information about our full range of products and services, including cool clothing, business mentoring, personal/sports coaching and personal development, as well as learn more about our 80:20 RULES values go to