Belief Radio




Are there past hurts you are finding difficult to forgive? When will you be ready and willing to let go of these hurts so you can be happy and live a memorable life? How much do you want to feel at peace within yourself? Forgiveness can be both extremely difficult and easy depending on how we are feeling inside as only we have the power to forgive and release ourselves from negative energies (such as anger, hatred, resentment and guilt) that limit our own success and happiness. In this show, Belief Global Founder, Rich Smith explores with Belief Radio Producer, Phil Keeler how to forgive in order to be free from the limits of the past and live a full life in the present moment. When you are READY to maximise success and happiness in your own life, read Rich Smith’s transformational book ‘STRIP NAKED: IN TRUTH IS FREEDOM’ and be the person you were always born to be. Take the free ‘LIFE CIRCLE CHALLENGE’ to help inspire and motivate you to even greater heights. Remember… you have one life… so LIVE IT… be th