Diy For Your Soul Podcast

DIY for Your Soul Podcast – Creators of Our Own Reality



It is very common for humans to see themselves a victims of circumstance. We assume the reality we experience is the direct result of myriad outside forces. We often deny the part we each play in the world in which we live.But each and every time we hold on to the story of our past, instead of letting it go and creating something new, we think, choose and act in ways that creates an existence that supports our story. Every time we choose to see things the way we’ve always seen them, instead of being willing to alter our perspective, we more than likely create a reality that is stuck in the past. When we require life to show up in a certain way, or expect ourselves or those around us to fit a certain mode, we block all other possibilities and our life reflects it. Our failure to accept ourselves, others and life itself limits our choices; thus limiting our world. Our inability to create healthy supportive communities, ones that assists in fostering a sense of wellbeing, lead us to creating less than fulfilling