Psyche Whisperer A.j. Mahari

Mindfulness and The Art of Choice by Karen H. Sherman Ph.D.



Dr. Karen Sherman, author of the book, "Mindfulness and The Art of Choice", is a New York State licensed psychologist, has been in private practice for over 20 years. Now, Dr. Sherman is taking her experience to the public, making her Art of Choice workshops and seminars available to groups and organizations rather than just to private clients. Additionally, she teaches individually designed adult education courses, catering to the specific interests and learning styles of the people who seek her expertise.  Drawing on personal experience as well as academic training, she relates to a much broader arc of life situations than most. “For many years, my life was an emotional roller coaster,” Dr. Sherman says. “Growing up, I was exposed to horribly negative life situations, and as an . Speaking of her transition, Dr. Sherman recalls, “I realized that I no longer wanted my past to define who I was. That was a choice I could make, and I did. My past no longer haunts me; in fact, I am thankful for what I experienced