Tek Wala On The Radio

#78 Tailgating Chicag style, Girls sues a mall over texting, and Jay Herrod



Here’s who’s making an appearance on the show Thursday January 20, 2011: * Paul Johnson – Chicago Bears vs. Green Packers, the week long madness. Tailgating on “Da Bus,” the experience. Obama attending the Super Bowl? (If the Bears win…) * Howie Reporting Live – Checking in to discuss this week in Youtube… Odd and off beat stories in the news. * Jay Herrod – A man running for President in 2012 who loves Selena Gomez. What does Jay Herrod think of the current administration? What tips can Jay Herrod offer to young men struggling with women? What is Jay Herrod’s obsession with Selena Gomez?* Shirley Phelps-Roper of Westboro Baptist Church will be calling in to talk about her twitter war with director Kevin Smith.