Hollywood Happiness Radio

Hollywood Happiness Radio



Hollywood Happiness Radio is hosted by Happiness "icon" Sean A. Mulvihill. At the age of 23, as a burgeouning Hollywood actor, Sean embarked on a recorded journey to the biggest gurus of today to find "happiness". The resulting film project, now available on DVD is called "Living Luminaries" and stars Eckhart Tolle, Michael Beckwith, and Marianne Williamson.Now 30 years young, Sean has emerged from his documentary cocoon to establish a brand of musical / comedic entertainment he affectionately refers to as "enlightenment rock." In this one hour radio show, a la Garison Keilor of "A Prairie Home Companion", the listener will have a chance to laugh and experience the everyday wisdom of having a little fun. Come and enjoy Hollywood Happiness -- each show co-stars you: you can call in live to put in your two cents of happiness.