Radio Free Patmos Island

Christians In The 21st Century: Bible-ish, or Bible-less?



This week the President of the United States meet with the survivors and families of victims of Orlando’s Pulse Night Club shooting. His remarks, meant to comfort those in attendance, were also filled with secular progressive dog whistles to signal his intention to silence voices of opposition in the Christian community. Christians are supposed to have an unfailing moral compass in the word of God. But, the church, having realized it lost the culture wars, is in retreat … and Christians are shedding their moral compass to lighten their load while retreating the battlefield…and to allow them to blend in with the population. Is the answer for the Church to simply be BIBLE-ISH or even BIBLE-LESS? You’ll learn more on this edition of Radio Free Patmos Island with Greg Fisher and John Rusk. Today (Friday, June 17th) at 1:30 PM (central)