Linux @ Work

Linux at Work #1: Linus is an asshole - Linux business news roundup up to 27 January, 2015



Shownotes and Links Episode 1 is complete and the format moving forward has been decided. We intend to produce the podcast bi-weekly with a catch-up on the news relevant to professional usage of Linux and occasionally intersperse deep dive episodes focused on a particular topic including reviews, tips and tricks. In episode 1 we look into Google’s changes to ChromeOS making it easier to boot alternative operating systems, Linus Torvalds’ latest inflammatory comments, interesting ideas on using SSH to secure the world, open source making inroads in Europe, LibreOffice for Android, learning systemd and the recently disclosed Ghost vulnerability in glibc. We look forward to hearing your ideas and feedback. You can always comment on episodes here or contact us through Twitter or in our subreddit.