Denis Barnes And The Council Of Twelve...

Denis Barnes and the Council of Twelve (Ascended Masters)



Denis brings his own flavour of joy, laughter, learning and love to many as he channels and transmits messages of higher learning and advice from a group of highly initiated masters called "The Council of Twelve".This beautiful group of Twelve nonphysical Ascended Masters (named The Council of Twelve) consist of highly adept teachers who oversee and once walked upon the earth realm: Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, St Germaine, Kwin Yin, Paramahansa Yogannanda, Master Kuthumi, Lord Metatron and others.This group of masters work with Denis to inspire and assist many of the people who have come to earth at this time to be more than they believe themselves to be. The Council of Twelve Ascended Masters lovingly assist clients to step into more of their mastery and come from a place of higher love, understanding and mastery.Denis has the ability to communicate clearly and lovingly that goes beyond time-and-space. Denis can relay messages of relevance that will assist in the healing process and underst