My Baby Monsters: Kids Stories, Children Music, Children's Books, Kid Art, & Fun Storytelling - Old Time Radio Movie - Podcas

[My Baby Monsters: kids stories (2)] H I J K - pt2: Happy Birthday to You. Fun kids' music and great children's stories (new - wild alphabet animal story - children book by kid - podcast)



Would you like another piece of birthday cake? It's filled with fun children's stories and great kids' songs. Then get ready to sing and listen to part 2 of this special birthday podcast (or enjoy Part 1). Children's stories featured in this podcast: You are a clown! A birthday clown. ["You are the expert" storytelling game] Lying King has a birthday ["And then" storytelling game] A scary birthday joke The honey bee birthday invitation The hippopotamus, the jellyfish, and the birthday The happy birthday hamburger habitat Humpty Dumpty misses his birthday Have a happy judo birthday Cinderella's Birthday Song [your favorite children's story] Lying King's last birthday... don't tease a polar bear [daddy's story] Wild Animal Stories and Children's Art Kids' music featured in this podcast: Birthday Suit by The Mod-est Lads Birthday Girl by Tabby Looking Cat Happy Birthday by Craymo Hobbit Happy Birthday Song by Brobdingnagian Bards Additional jokes and stories from the Jack Benn