Dc's Legends Of Tomorrow Talk Podcast - Dclegends Talk

DC LEGENDS Talk Podcast #9 - S 1 Ep 8 NIGHT OF THE HAWK



Rip and the team arrive at Oregon in 1958 to investigate a series of murders seemingly tied to Savage. Infiltrating a mental institution, Sara discovers that Savage is a doctor there under the name Curtis Knox. Ray and Kendra pose as a married couple to investigate a murder in a small suburban area, but discover that Savage lives there as well. Elsewhere, Jefferson is attacked by humanoid, bird-like creatures created by Savage from a Nth metal meteorite that gave Kendra and Carter their powers. While trying to get a wounded victim to the ship, Jefferson is abducted by the local sheriff and delivered to Savage. The team decides to go after Savage at the hospital, where he has already infected Jefferson with the Nth metal and transformed him into one of the creatures. Kendra confronts Savage, but he almost kills her before Ray rescues her. The rest of the team manage to capture Jefferson. Back at the ship, Dr. Stein and Gideon create a serum that cures Jefferson and the other victims. Chronos then arrives and s