Mitchell Report Unleashed Podcast

Episode 239: Esther Blum



Esther Blum is an Integrative Dietitian and High Performance Coach. She has authored 4 bestselling books including Eat, Drink and Be Gorgeous and Cavewomen Don’t Get Fat. Esther has overcome multiple chronic illnesses and hypothyroidism. After splitting her too-tight dress en route to a wedding, Esther vowed to not only love her body at any size, but to teach women how to love and accept their own bodies while working towards their weight and fitness goals. Esther boils complex medical research down into basic concepts to make nutrition and healing simple for her clients. As a result she has helped thousands of women eliminate the need for medication, lose stubborn belly fat, and reverse chronic illness. Esther has generously opened up her calendar for 9 of my listeners to book a 30-Minute Customized Metabolic Blueprint call with her. This is a FREE call valued at $500 where you will receive: 1. Your unique protein requirements 2. Your deep sleep roadmap 3. Your best mindset tools to become resilient and bul