My Son The Dungeon Master

MSTDM: Where do I start with all these episodes?



If you are looking to start listening to our podcast but don't know where to start, then here's a guide.  You can always start at the beginning.  I hear it's a very good place to start.  But if you would like to jump around or start later, then listen to this to get a basic explanation of our show and who we are and then jump in at the beginning of a campaign.  Campaigns are about 8 episodes long.  Episodes are named with the campaign name and then the episode name.  We started when Parker was 10 and he is now almost 15.  The show's humor and maturity level follows Parker's age.  He leads us.  Episodes 1-5 he was 10.  Episodes 6-13 he was 11.  Episodes 14-35 he was 12.  Episodes 36-59 he was 13.  Episodes 60-76 he was 14.