Whole Brain Power Coaching

"The Best 100 Days Of My Life"



Meet Nathan Thompson. Nathan is age 26. He meets Michael J. Lavery while on an afternoon visit to Laguna Beach, California. Seeing Lavery demonstrate his ability to do his mirror writing Nathan Thompson becomes captivated about learning the methods of Whole Brain Power Coaching. Nathan Thompson is challenged by Lavery on certain short term memory tasks which he initially fails. As Lavery now has infiltrated the psyche of Nathan Thompson, he asks for Lavery’s number and for personal coaching. Within 110 days of consulting with Lavery and reading the Whole Brain Power book and doing all the exercises recommended in the Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal, Nathan Thompson has a metamorphosis of his brain and his body. Much of these changes had to do with life choices to move away from the excessive video game playing and mindless television watching. Since participating in the Whole Brain Power Coaching, Thompson’s short term memory skills have also seen a major increase. Now 3 months later, p