Whole Brain Power Coaching

"How I Became More Attractive To Women"



Adam Gockle, entrepreneur, music Michael Glauser is currently age twenty. He is a student at Irvine Valley College in Irvine, California. He meets Coach Lavery at a local driving range and is impressed by Lavery’s ability to hit his irons and his driver with accuracy and length. As a consequence of Michael Glauser having a conventional golf swing, Lavery starts to work with Glauser on this concept of ambidexterity and its importance in being able to have control for both hemispheres of the brain to guide the body in terms of the actions of the legs and the arms and the hands. Glauser goes on Whole Brain Power Coaching with the hammer drills and the handwriting and some of the memory exercises recommended by Lavery. Glauser goes from swinging a golf club at 95 miles an hour with his driver, up to 115 miles an hour with his driver in less than thirty days. Any golfer knows that this is an incredible feat considering the fact that a young man increases his club-head speed up to twenty miles an hour in less than