In Bed With Dr Sue

HELP! My Husband has a Fetish NOW WHAT?!



One of the most important keys to a successful relationship is communication. But sometimes the things you want to communicate just don’t come out right. And anything to do with sex will be some of the hardest conversations you’ll have as a couple.  So imagine being in the situation where you not only want to talk about sex but more specifically you want to discuss your fetish or kink. Putting yourself ‘out there’ even with the partner you swore to love to the end and who you trust over anyone else is still very difficult. The risk of being judged can cause even the most open of partners to clam up and try to hide how they feel. Now combine all of that with the fact that you’re a male of our species with certain sociological pressures of what ‘being a man,’ is and if you go outside of those societal norms you are considered a freak regardless, that’s not an easy position to be in. One of the hardest things a man can do is to tell his wife, girlfriend or significant other about his kinks and sexual desires b