Fast Jet Performance

Don't Die at Work - How to Banish Boredom and Anxiety



​Uniformed Police Officers, wearing body armour and carrying Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine guns pulled tightly into their shoulders, stepped silently through the busy supermarket’s doors. It was a hot and humid July day on the south coast of England; people were going about their weekly shop and the smell of cheap sunscreen hung lazily in the air. The store’s tannoy was calling for someone to help at the checkouts and people were busying themselves taking items from the shelves and placing them into their baskets. Some of the shoppers who saw the two men enter, stopped and just stared - their eyes following their movement with a sense of foreboding curiosity; others seemed oblivious to what was about to happen.  The policemen aimed down their sights - wherever their eyes went, the barrel of the weapon would quickly follow. With each purposeful, yet muted step, they slowly drifted apart as they made their way to the back of the store where their target had last been reported. People wou