Ask The Industry Podcast

Australia and New Zealand Tour 2020 - please come and help!



I am so excited to tell you that for the first time ever I'll be coming over to Australia and New Zealand in 2020. I can't wait. This is an actual dream come true. Not only will I be coming over and exploring your b-e-a-u-tiful country but I'll also be bringing my award-winning 4th solo show. I know (from the analytics) about 20% of the listenership is in this region... so here's your chance to help support me / give back if you've never done anything to help the pod before!If you can't come but you know someone who can, please tell them! Or just share it on social media (any and all shares I see / you tag me I'll thank you personally for doing).Here's the dates for the festivals I'll be performing at - Perth (Fringe World) - Tickets10th, 12th, 13th, 14th & 16th Feb 2020 at 8.30pm in Lazy Susan's Comedy Den [Map]Adelaide Fringe - Tickets18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd Feb at 6pm.29th Feb & 1st March (bonus shows) at 4pm.All shows are at Gluttony, Rymill Park - [Map]Auc