Dr. Carol Francis

Freeing America from Racist Related Violence



Racial tension, racially related cruelty, racially inspired violence "must end" shouts millions of protestors during May and June 2020. White-skinned Americans need to listen to the realities of cruelty facing dark-skinned American. Eden Warner, successful Corporate leader, entrepreneur, new author, devoted family man and African American helps us listen and understand the centuries of racial violence and the recent protests. Complexities of the past will bleed into our future attempts to create equality that is equal, fairness that is fair, and justice that is justice for ALL. More we understand these complexities of racial differences, cultural diversity, and human uniqueness, the more we will be able to create a functional society. The feverish nature of antagonistic nonPotus idiotic remarks that divide and inflame now need to be countered with tempered explanations and guidance that create synergism without a loss of individuality.  Eden Warner, a previous guest, speaks from experience, from the heart, an