Via Church




Last week we looked at Mary’s faith in the God of the impossible. Today we are going to look at the little town of Bethlehem. The town of Bethlehem is in itself an example of God’s redemption. In Luke 2 we read that Joseph and Mary go from Nazareth up to the town of Bethlehem, where Joseph is from, to register for a census. This trip was an 85 mile mountainous trip for Mary who was nine months pregnant and most likely riding on a donkey. Why was this happening? God wanted this child to be born in Bethlehem; a city that was so insignificant it wasn’t even listed in Joshua 15 when the land of Israel was divided among the tribes. Let’s look at the story of Ruth. It is one of the most intimate stories of human rescue and it took place in Bethlehem many hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus. I want to share with you seven key thoughts from the story of Ruth that will be helpful to you as you think about the Christmas story.