Via Church

Warning to the Rich



Most of us do not consider ourselves to be rich. But by world standards owning a car or having more than one change of clothes means you're wealthy. If you own a home, you're in the top 5% of the world. By world standards, by the very fact that we live in America, we're wealthy. I'm not saying this to load on a bunch of guilt. I think we need to be aware of the fact that God has blessed us. Knowing that, today’s passage is not one that we can simply overlook or direct to someone else. This message is for us! It should cause us to ask some tough soul-searching questions: Are we working our jobs and gaining profits in a way that is glorifying to God? Are we working with integrity? How are we using the gifts, talents, resources and time that God has entrusted to us? Are we hoarding our resources solely to our individual glory? Are recognizing that everything in this world belongs to Him and Him alone?