Living With Suicide

Suicide Roundtable



This episode on Living with a Suicide we have a round table discussion. Josette and Madeleine are best friends. They met in the Houston Airport after their plane was grounded because of the crash of an international flight. Madeleine bummed a ride to a local hotel with Josette where they discovered that not only were they both from France, but they lived only a few miles from each other in Northern California. Madeleine was still grieving the loss of her husband to suicide. Little did they know that ten years later Josette would also lose her husband to suicide. Several decades have passed since these two remarkable and strong women were brought together by fate. They have joined Dawn Harward and Tyler Woods, PHD for a conversation about losing a spouse to suicide and how they survived it. This group of women represents several decades of suicide survivorship which makes for an interesting conversation on support services. Music: Somewhere Sunny, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.c