Holistic Mental Health And Healing

Reduce Stress and Anxiety by not What ifing



Today Dr Tyler Woods talks the what if's in our live and how it affects us as well as ways to work around it. She realizes we say what if a great deal. What if I lose my job, what if the other shoes falls, what if I am not always happy, what if my spouse isn't always happy,  what if they leave me, what if I can't pay rent, what if...? Dr Woods says that more people seem to be preoccupied with “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios than the positives in life. What ifs become worries and worry's becomes problems and these problems can lead to unrelenting doubts and fears and can be paralyzing. They can sap your emotional energy, send your anxiety levels soaring, and interfere with your daily life. When you do the what if's, you discredit your own ability to handle life’s problems, assuming you’ll fall apart at the first sign of trouble. These irrational, pessimistic attitudes is not healthy for you. Join Dr. Woods as she talks about chronic worrying or the constant what if as she believes it is a mental habit tha